Car crashes are the number one cause of preventable death for teens, and crashes involving young drivers impact people of all ages.
Though not all of your employees are parents of teens, you can help protect everyone on the road by promoting the message of teen safe driving in your workplace.
DriveitHOME™, an initiative of the National Safety Council, offers a variety of free resources you can use to engage your workforce:
Posters to display prominently in your workplace
A 5-Minute Safety Talk, designed to help you lead a discussion on teen safe driving
Infographics you can place in emails, display on LCD TV screens, share on social media and use in blog posts
Video lessons on key driving techniques, and more
DriveitHOME can also partner with you to bring the message of teen driver safety to your workforce. From sharing resources to presenting to your employees on best practices and state-specific data, DriveitHOME can help engage your organization on this crucial issue.
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